Build your own Slosh Pipe

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UntitledAnyone who’s ever carried a full keg of beer knows how heavy they can be. But anyone who’s carried a partially full keg knows that they’re probably even more awkward. Why? Because the liquid inside the keg sloshes around, and is far more subject to laws of motion and intertia – shift the keg too much to the side, and the result is unevenly distributed weight. Even worse, if you move too quickly to compensate for the unevenness, the liquid immediately sloshes back to the other side and creates an entirely new problem.

Another option, for those who haven’t got a supply of empty kegs lying around, is a slosh pipe – which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like: a big pipe, sealed at both ends, and filled about 2/3rds with water, that sloshes around when you try carrying it. But you don’t have to just do Zercher walks and squats with it – you can do overhead presses, floor presses, caber tosses, Russian twists…whatever.

An eight foot pipe, that’s 6″ in diameter, filled about 2/3rds of the way with water, will weigh about 34lbs. You don’t want to fill it entirely because that defeats the purpose and creates a far more stable environent. And you don’t want to barey fill it, because then it won’t be challenging.

To make one, you just need a length of PVC, PVC end caps, and PVC glue. Glue one side on, let it dry, pour your water in, then glyue the other side on.

Did we even need this diagram?

Did we even need this diagram?

It’s as simple as that, and for $20-25, you’ve got a new piece of training equipment for your garage gym.