Why Coconut Milk Is a Ready Source of Energy in 3FU3L

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When we set out to formulate 3FU3L, we spent a lot of time researching the best possible combination of ingredients for optimizing performance, including coconut milk.

The result? Our 3FU3L product line includes performance-boosting ingredients such as grass-fed whey protein hydrolysate, HDP Waxy Maize (3CARB), the micronutrient Betaine, and non-GMO, organic coconut milk.

Each of these ingredients brings their own unique benefits to the table. Our grass-fed whey protein hydrolysate is a high-quality source of protein plus fuel for training and recovery. HDP Waxy Maize (3CARB) promotes fat burning while providing long-lasting energy. Betaine increases power performance and endurance output. And then there’s coconut milk.

Coconut milk might seem like the little cousin hanging onto the behemoths of our grass-fed whey protein hydrolysate, 3CARB, and Betaine. It appears less frequently in supplements and doesn’t get as much attention on bodybuilding blogs. But this humble ingredient packs some serious benefits.

What Happens To Your Body During Intense Training and Competitions.

In order to perform their best during training and competition (and recover afterward), athletes require fuel. While the types and intensity of athletic pursuits may widely vary,  they rely on interrelated metabolic processes.  

When your body is asked to produce bursts of power, it draws on its phosphocreatine supply to create adenosinetriphosphate (ATP). ATP is essential for any activity that involves rapid muscle contractions. After a maximum contraction, your body requires four minutes to replenish its phosphocreatine stores. If you don’t wait for four minutes between maximal bursts of intensity, then your body starts to rely on blood sugar to create ATP (instead of phosphocreatine). This process is metabolically inefficient.

baby coconut - the source of coconut milk in 3FU3L

After another three to four minutes without recovery time, your body will start to draw on protein, fat, and carbohydrates in order to continue synthesizing the ATP required for continued physical activity. At the same time, your muscles are busy trying to process waste products such as lactic acid. This causes sweating, which results in losing methyl donors such as Betaine, another potential generator of ATP. In short, as your body continues to need ATP, its ability to produce it becomes increasingly compromised.

Without the proper fuel, your body will hit that all-too-familiar “wall” soon enough. This is the challenge facing any athlete who wants to perform high-intensity and/or endurance exercise.  

This is where fats come in.

Initially, carbohydrates do an adequate job of generating ATP. However, on their own, they quickly become insufficient. After half an hour, fats become just as important to the body’s energy production as carbohydrates. In fact, they make up nearly 50 percent of the equation (After an hour, protein also makes an important contribution). This is why carb-fueling isn’t sufficient to power you through a long, grueling workout or competition. Without fat (and protein), your performance is not going to be optimal.

So, we decided to include a high-quality fat source, coconut milk, in 3FU3L. Along with the other components in our product, it’s the best way to ensure your body continues to perform at maximum capacity during intense exercise.

How Coconut Milk Benefits Athletes in Training

We chose coconut milk as our primary source of fat in 3FU3L because it outperforms regular fats to boost performance in several ways. This is largely because coconut milk is a source of fat that contains Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) and monoglycerides.

These compounds are unique because our bodies metabolize them differently than conventional sources of fat (olive oil, corn oil, etc.). Because MCTs have a reduced chain length relative to Long Chain Triglycerides (LCTs), our bodies absorb them more quickly. MCTs are quickly broken down and moved directly into the bloodstream.

All of this means that as soon as our bodies ingest coconut fat, the MCTs and monoglycerides are immediately put to use as a source of energy, providing an energy boost.

In addition, MCTs provide several additional benefits:

  • They’ve been shown to increase energy expenditure, improve endurance, and prolong time to exhaustion, especially during high-intensity exercise or long-duration exercise. As a result, they’re gaining popularity for their ability to enhance athletic performance.  
  • They don’t get stored as fat. Because they’re metabolized so quickly, MCTs are immediately put to work as fuel for organs and muscles. This means you can reap the energy benefits of fat consumption without worrying about excess fat storage.
  • They can increase thermogenesis and fat oxidation, thereby promoting fat burning. They also help trigger the mobilization of stored body fat for use as fuel. Consequently, the consumption of MCTs is frequently linked to a decrease in adipositivity.
All told, coconut milk provides a healthy source of energy while enabling you to train harder and longer, thereby contributing to strength gains while also increasing fat loss.

When you look at the research supporting coconut milk’s performance-boosting effects, including it in exercise supplements is a no-brainer. But we also took it one step further by seeking out the highest quality source we could find. That’s why the powdered coconut milk in 3FU3L is both organic and non-GMO. It’s all part of our commitment to delivering performance-boosting products that are good for you, are backed by science, and truly work.