Category Archive for "(Yeah) Science"

The Bioactive Peptide SCAM

Bioactive Peptides are the naturally occuring peptides found in proteins such as whey. They’re also found in stand-alone products that purport to do everything from boosting immune function to increasing nitric oxide. Sometimes they’re even “added” to whey protein for…

Six Reps vs/ Twelve for Strength and Muscle (*study)

Bodybuilders look like bodybuilders because of their exercise selection and their repetition ranges, while powerlifters, on the other hand, are strong for the same reasons (i.e. involving the selection of different exercises from bodybuilders and lower rep schemes). Or something…

Booze made from Oranges is higher in Flavanones and Carotenoids (*study)

We’re not saying that you should get drunk while making sure you get enough flavanones and carotenoids…but we’re not saying you shouldn’t…   J Agric Food Chem. 2013 Sep 18;61(37):8773-82. doi: 10.1021/jf401240p. Epub 2013 Sep 4. Fermented orange juice: source…

Heavy Sled Pulls: Superior to light for improving sprints (*study)

Towing a weighted sled can help you sprint faster. Common wisdom holds that a light sled that allows maximum speed without breaking sprint form is the ideal way to make use of this training modality. But is this true? Is…

Sled Pulls require +/- 3 hours for neuromuscular recovery

With the introduction of The Prowler and similar training devices, sled pulls, pushes, and drags have become increasingly popular in strength and conditioning programs. We’ve seen nearly limitless variations of these movements performed at training facilities across the world and…

Foam Rolling and Post-exercise Fatigue

Foam rolling increases arterial blood flow, according to a study we examined a few months back. But does it increase performance if you do it prior to training? Perhaps not, according to a more recent study – but you’ll experience…

Sweetness Addiction more powerful than Cocaine Addiction (*study)

If you’ve attended a Crossfit Endurance seminar over the past few years, you may have heard 3Fu3l/CFE founder Brian Mackenzie tell the attendees to “get off the crack” when talking about sugar. Well, it turns out that Cocaine is actually…

Train like a Strongman Injury Free

Are you thinking about diving into some strongman-style training? Perhaps programming it for some of your athletes in the off-season or offering it at your box? Not long after taking a look at the statistics behind Crossfit injuries, we stumbled…

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness – is it necessary for progress? (*study)

Remember when you first started training? You were probably sore every day, and likely in the body part(s) you trained the day prior. That’s called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, or DOMS for short; the soreness you feel the day (or…

Sucralose: Bad for your health, bad for your training (*study)

We don’t use Sucralose in 3Fu3l. We never will. Here’s why: Sucralose  is one of the most unhealthy sweeteners you can add to a protein shake. A critical review in The Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health was published yesterday,…