Search Results for "whey"

Combine Resistant Starch with Whey Protein and burn Fat (*study)

You already know that adding a resistant starch to whey protein is a great idea. We started using this combination on ourselves back in 2011, and launched 3Fu3l officially at the 2012 CrossFit Games. We made it for ourselves, to…

Whey protein Meta-analysis (a study that looks at other studies)

High-quality, grass-fed, non-GMO, whey protein hydrolysate has been in 3Fu3l since day one. We’ve all been using whey protein for years (decades in fact) and we didn’t need another study to tell us just how good it is for athletes….

Hydrolyzed Whey Protein versus Whey Protein Concentrate (*Study)

What happens when you compare hydrolyzed whey protein to its counterpart, native whey concentrate? A recently published study took the metabolomics approach and examined the differences between rodents fed either hydrolyzed whey protein or whey protein concentrate. Although both cause…

Twenty Grams of Whey is ideal (yes, another *study)

A recently published study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has confirmed (again) that 20 grams of whey protein is optimal for increasing muscle protein synthesis, in both rested and exercised muscle. However, a greater dose of whey protein…

One Hundred Percent Hydrolyzed whey is actually closer to Ten Percent

If you saw a product that claimed to be 100% hydrolyzed whey protein, what would you think was in it? You’d probably think that it contained a whey protein that had been hydrolyzed 100%. Believe it or not, you’d be…

The myth of undenatured whey

Undenatured Whey Protein. Really? To some extent all whey protein is denatured. So let’s start at the beginning, right after the bucket is pulled out from under Bessie. Raw milk is milk as you’d drink it straight from the tap…

More whey protein in 2% versus 1% and whole milk

In The United States of America, all whey protein available on the commercial market has been pasturized. Native whey, which many think to be unpasturized, is actually just a reference to the fact that it wasn’t derived from the cheese…

Contaminated whey protein from New Zealand

Fonterra,  the world’s fourth largest producer of dairy products, have issued a recall on their whey ptotein, due to suspected contamination with botulism. The affected products included their Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC80), the most popular form of whey protein on…

Whey hydrolysate strengthens muscles AND tendons

Whether you do primarily concentric work (like an Olympic lifter) or eccentric work (perhaps like a bodybuilder), whey protein hydrolysate will not only help strengthen your muscles, but also your tendons. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2013 May 7. doi:…

Whey protein lessens risk factors for metabolic diseases

Unfortunately, Obesity and type 2 diabetes  have both become more common worldwide, and especially in the United States. and recently, related diseases have been considered epidemic. Obviously, both can be prevented through exercise and proper diet, and supplementing with whey…